What to do if your Beagle Eats a Used Tampon?

Last month, my wife left the bathroom door open, and our beagle went in and ate a used tampon from the trash can. It was around 1 o’clock in the morning, and we were freaking out as our vet was not picking up the phone.

So what to do if your beagle ate a used tampon?

If you suspect your beagle ate a used tampon, call your veterinarian immediately. The blood in the tampon won’t do any harm to your dog, but the tampon can cause intestinal blockage, and the attached string can induce internal damage.

My Beagle Ate a Used Tampon: What to Do?

The first thing you need to do if your beagle ate a used tampon is to call your veterinarian. If he asks you to bring your dog to the clinic, then go immediately.

The blood on the tampon won’t cause any harm to your pooch. It’s the tampon you need to be worried about.

In some cases, the tampon will pass without any trouble. While in others, it can cause some serious internal problems.

It can block their throat and cause the beagle to choke. The hazard increases if it’s a puppy.

Tampons are made up of cotton, fiber, and other materials that can cause intestinal blockage. It will block the food, water, and gas from passing through the digestive tract. This can be extremely painful for them.

It can also disturb the blood flow causing dead tissues. It may induce lifelong damage to your pooch and can even be fatal.

Symptoms of such blockages may not occur immediately and can take up to four days. So take your beagle to the vet’s clinic even if he seems fine at that moment.

Risk depends on:

The risk may increase or decrease depending on some factors.

The Age of the Beagle: Age plays a crucial role in setting the risk. Fully grown adult beagles may able to pass the tampon from their system without any blockage. However, the risk of blockage increases in small puppies.

The number of tampons consumed: The chances of blockage drastically increase if he had consumed more than one tampon. Try to find out how many tampons he ate by checking the number of tampons left in the box.

Used vs. unused tampon: It may surprise you, but new tampons are far more dangerous than used ones. Dog’s saliva and other acids present in their digestive system will make the unused tampon expand more, increasing the chances of blockage.

No matter what the factors are, call the vet immediately if your beagle has consumed a tampon.

Symptoms to Worry About

Your vet may advise you to keep your dog under observation and watch for symptoms of intestinal blockage.

  • Loss of appetite
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Abdominal bloating
  • Excessive drooling
  • Lethargy
  • Struggling bowl moments

If you notice any of these symptoms, call your veterinarian again immediately.

What to Expect from the Vet?

When you call the vet, he may ask you to come to the clinic for a checkup. The treatment may vary from dog to dog, as it depends on the severity of the condition.

The vet may ask you some questions like how many tampons did he eat, did he consume anything else along with the tampon.

Your vet may examine your dog’s mouth and check if the tampon’s string is tangled with its teeth so that he can pull the tampon out.

If he doesn’t find the string, he may try to find the location of the tampon. If the tampon is not visible, he will put an endoscope down the dog’s throat. In simple words, an endoscope is a camera attached to a tube.

If he doesn’t find anything, the vet may suggest an x-ray to find the tampon. If the tampon is located inside your dog’s stomach, the vet may use emetic to make them puke the tampon out.

If this doesn’t work, the vet may keep your pooch under observation for 4 to 5 days. If it shows any symptoms of intestinal blockage or any other health concern, the vet may conduct surgery to remove the tampon.

What makes tampon so dangerous for Beagles


As we discussed that the blood on the tampon would cause no harm, but the material used in a tampon can cause severe damage.

Artificial Fiber

Artificial fiber is one of the key components of a tampon and has high absorbing properties. This makes it extremely dangerous for dogs as it absorbs the fluids and swells up.

This increases the size of the tampon and makes it difficult to get rid off the body. The fibers can also get entangled with the intestine causing intestinal blockage.


Aluminum is toxic to dogs. It can affect their lungs, bones, and nervous system. The hazard for beagles with kidney problems increases.


Tampons contain alcohol, and alcohol is poisonous to dogs. Even a small amount of alcohol can cause some serious damage.

Due to this, swallowing a tampon can cause vomiting, disorientation, excessive panting, seizures, etc.


Dioxin is a chemical component found in tampons, which can cause health issues in dogs and humans. Dioxin usually causes diabetes and cancer.

Why are beagles attracted to tampons?

It is not uncommon for beagles to eat something they are not supposed to and get themselves in trouble. They are curious explorers who explore by putting things in their mouths and often swallowing them.

As odd as this sounds, the answer to this question is simple. Humans tend to forget that beagles are canines, and it’s their nature to gather information through their nose.

Sniffing and tasting are the two primary ways to gather information, making them fully aware of their surroundings.

Beagles are both hunters and scavengers. They naturally get attracted to certain scents like bodily fluids or decaying objects. The human genitals and anus contain a high concentration of pheromones.

This unique smell can make your beagle curious. This is also the reason your dog might be glued to a female because it could be that time of the month.

Beagles are attracted to the scent of blood and bodily fluids. So if he catches a scent of a used tampon, he will try his best to find the source. And unfortunately, if he finds the source, he will want to put it in his mouth and swallow it.

How to Preventing this

As we know, prevention is better than cure. So to avoid such situations in the future, you can take the following precautions.

Lock your doors. If you are not present in the bathroom, remember always to lock the room. This way, your pooch will have zero access to such products.

Get Dog Proof Trash Cans. Try getting pet-proof trashcans and avoid keeping the unused tampons in the open.

Use dog repellent spray. You can also use dog repellent sprays around the trash area.

Use Ziplock bags for tampons. Putting your used tampons in a zip lock bag will ensure that your dog is less likely to smell the products. You can also keep these bags in a locked cabinet; this will ensure that the products are entirely out of your dog’s reach.

Final Thoughts

These types of situations can be stressful for a dog owner. So try your best to prevent such unfortunate events. And never hesitate to call your vet, no matter what hour of the day it is.