Are Beagles Good Family Dogs? What’s Good, What’s Bad about Em’

So you and your family have finally made your mind to get a pet dog. You researched a few breeds and might have heard a lot of things about beagles, and now you are thinking of getting this breed. But are beagles good family dogs?

Beagles are friendly, playful, and love to be around people, making them excellent family dogs. Due to their affectionate and gentle nature, beagles are considered one of the best dog breeds for children. Their docile nature allows them to get along well in most lifestyles.

Further, in this article, we will look into various reasons why beagles make amazing pets in families and also put a light on some negative things about them.

Beagles as Family Dogs

I can give you an entire list of reasons why beagles make excellent family dogs. But let’s reserve the list of another time and concentrate on some significant factors that a good family dog should have.

Family’s Living Arrangement

Whether you live in a house or an apparent, beagles adapt well to most living situations.

The most optimal living situation for a beagle would be a house with a fenced backyard. Beagles are energetic breeds who love to play, and having a little open space next to the house will make them happier.

But this doesn’t mean they don’t do well in an apartment living. Their medium size allows them to fit in such a lifestyle comfortably. However, one thing to know is that beagles are indoor dogs. They cannot live outside on their own.

Social and Friendliness

Beagles are very friendly in nature and not at all aggressive. They can get along with almost everyone. They can get along with other dogs as well as cats too. Both of our beagles are good friends with our mailman as well as a couple of pizza delivery guys.

They are social dogs. They like to meet new people and animals and interact with them. I often suggest not getting a beagle if you live alone because beagles need people, and they thrive better in families.

However, their friendly nature makes them terrible guard dogs. My family and I often joke around that if an intruder came to our house, our beagles will probably start licking and playing with him too.

Exercise Needs

Beagles are energetic, and they have high exercising needs if compared to their size. A beagle would need daily walks (at least once a day), heavy exercise like running, and some playtime.

If you or someone in your family goes for jogging, then a beagle can be a great jogging companion.

Apart from physical exercise, you will have to give your beagle some mental stimulation too. For this, you can be teaching a new trick or a command.

Children Friendly

Not every dog breed can tolerate the playful and poking behavior of children. But beagle is not just the ‘every’ breed. They are even-tempered and playful dogs who do incredibly well with children.

Kids have all the time and energy in this world, and that’s what beagles want. Pair your kid with a beagle, and they both will drain each other’s energy and sleep together, cuddling each other. BTW, if I have not mentioned this yet, beagles love to cuddle.

Beagles are gentle, and they have a high threshold of tolerance. They can tolerate pulls and tugs of kids.

While raising a beagle around kids is okay, raising a beagle with an infant might not be a good idea. Beagle puppies can be hyperactive. They need lots of attention and a good amount of training for good behavior.

Are Beagles Good for Working Families?

beagles as watch dogs

Beagles crave for companionship. They are a people’s dog. Beagles thrive in families.

Beagles don’t do well when they are left alone. If everyone in the house goes to work or school, then you will have to hire a dog sitter or keep him in the dog care center.

Beagles are prone to separation anxiety. If left alone for a long time, they can get anxiety and stress, which can lead to destructive chewing and excessive barking.

Beagle puppies would need even more time and attention.

Related: Do Beagles Need a Lot of attention?

What’s Good About them

Beagles Love to Cuddle

Beagles are affectionate and lovable creatures who love to cuddle. It is common for a beagle to hop on your lap and take a nap while you are watching a movie, or to snuggle in your blanket during winters.

Medium Sized

I think beagles are of perfect size, neither too big, nor too small. On average, beagles are 13 to 16 inches(33 to 41 cm) tall at the withers and weigh around 22 to 26 pounds (10 to 12 kg).

Their compact size makes them an ideal choice for apartment living.

Easy to Groom

Beagles have a short coat of fur, making them quite easy to groom. They are easy to groom and require less frequent visits to professional groomers.

Always Happy

They are just always happy and playful. They are always ready to play, go out, or do anything with you.

They are Quite Intelligent

Oh, trust me on this, beagles are notoriously intelligent. They are very smart when it comes to being naughty and mischievous.

There are so many more, here’s the complete list of 16 reasons why beagles are great.

What’s Bad About them

They cannot live outside

Beagles are indoor dogs, and they cannot live outside. They do best at room temperature, and anything extreme can affect their health. If you are looking for a dog who can live outside of your house and guard at night, then the beagle is not the one.

Can be naughty and mischievous

Puppies are naughty and mischievous. I think they just enjoy creating troubles. However, when they grow up, their naughtiness decreases, but it never ends.

Sometimes Stubborn

Beagles can be stubborn sometimes. They are infamous for occasionally ignore their owner’s command and doing something that they are not supposed to.

Vocally Expressive

Beagles are vocally expressive. They bark, whine, bay, cry. This may be an issue if you live in apartments and have cranky neighbors.

Bad Guard Dogs

You cannot trust your beagle to guard your house. They are not at all aggressive. They are friendly and social, and this makes them terrible dogs to guard your house

Final Thoughts

Beagles are loving, affectionate, loyal, friendly, and playful. I don’t see any reason not to get this adorable little pooch. I have two beagles in my family, and we all love each other. To know more about beagles, you can read our detailed post on beagles as a pet.