7 Common Skin Problems in Beagles and How to Avoid them

Along with their adventurous nature, Beagles are prone to some skin issues and allergies. It may happen due to seasonal changes, food allergies, and much more, for which you need to be very careful. It is essential to notice the signs of illness in your buddy to keep them fit and healthy.

Here are some common beagle skin problems that they may develop and how you can avoid them:

1. Environmental Allergies and Food Allergies

When your dog starts itching suddenly on the face, feet, chest, and stomach area, it can indicate an environmental allergy. It is triggered when your dog gets in contact with the cause of the irritation. This kind of allergy is known as Atopy, and it is similar to hay fever in humans.

You can get the blood test of your dog to determine if your dog is allergic to substances like dust mites, pollens, or grass. For the treatment, you may use prescribed shampoos, tablets, or injections.

Your adorable and chirpy beagle can develop food allergies because of the type of protein they consume in their diet. It may include beef, eggs, chicken, and dairy, but there can be other things in the diet also like wheat or even vegetables which may be a cause of the issue. It causes an increased amount of itching on the face, feet, ears, and anus of your dog.

Here are some best dog foods for beagles with allergies.

Solution: You need to do an elimination process of 8-12 weeks for your beagles in this situation. It will assist in finding the cause of the allergy. You must keep your pet away from any suspected allergens during the elimination process for favorable treatment. You can also consult your vet for the procedure.

If you want to know more, you can read our article on common beagle allergies.

Get The Beagle Puppy Handbook

If you’re about to get a new Beagle puppy, you’ve got to check out the Beagle Puppy Handbook!

You can Check out Beagle Puppy Handbook here.

2. Impetigo

Impetigo is a common beagle skin problem often found in puppies, indicating an underlying skin issue. In this condition, lesions can appear on the stomach of the dog in the form of blisters. The blisters often burst and scab all over the body.

Solution: You can get the treatment for your puppy by giving antibiotics dosage or washing them properly with a medicated shampoo. The doctor may also do a few tests to understand the reason for the symptoms and check if there is another underlying illness.

3. Folliculitis

In this skin situation, the hair follicles of the beagles become inflamed. It happens when your dog is suffering from mange (skin disease from mites) or any other allergy. The hair follicles become infected by an underlying skin problem, and they appear on the dog’s body as sores, bumps, and scabs.

Solution: It can be easily treated by shampoo, oral antibiotics, or antibacterial ointments, as per the vets’ prescription. It soothes and treats the infected area.

4. Yeast Infections

In this skin problem, the warm parts of the body of the dog get a yeast infection. The infection is mostly on hard-to-reach areas like the ear canal, between the toes of the dog, groin, perineum, etc. It leads to discoloration of the affected area and produces a strong odor.

Yeast infections are most common in dogs with compromised or suppressed immune systems due to certain medications. The infection is more likely to appear in the allergy season, especially if your dog is taking some steroids or antibiotics.

Solution: You can easily manage the infection using topical cream, washes, and medicines to help the symptoms and cure the infection. But if the condition persists for a long time, do consult a vet.

5. Ticks and Fleas

Ticks and flea infestation are widespread beagle skin problems. In this case, ticks and fleas cause trouble for the beagles by biting and sucking blood on their skin. When flea saliva reaches inside the dog’s body, it causes allergic reactions like excessive itching, inflammation, redness of the skin. The pets often scratch themselves and chew their fur for relief, and in extreme cases, patches of fur can fall off.

Solution: The fleas are often found in carpets or beds. Hence, clean the areas regularly. Wash your pet’s bed and give them preventive medicines to kill the bugs. For more details, you can read our article on How to Remove fleas and ticks from your beagle.

6. Mange

It is a severe skin problem, and the cause is species of mites that survive under your dog’s hair and skin. They are of two types; one is demodectic mange which impacts puppies, older dogs, or pets with an underlying skin condition. The second type, Sarcoptic mange, is an intense itch condition in a dog’s ear, leading to hair loss on the face and legs. It causes redness and itching around the affected areas.

Solution: The treatment process includes tablets and special shampoos for getting rid of mites, soothing out irritation, inflammation, and itching.

7. Dry Skin and Dandruff

Dandruff and dry skin are significant and common beagle skin problems that impact their health. It can be caused due to excessive licking or lack of nutrition. The disease’s root cause is tough to identify, but it can be due to an underlying problem or an infection. Sometimes dogs get dry skin in winters due to a particular diet. This specific problem can have genetic, environmental, nutritional, or parasitic causes. Hence, various types of different treatment options have to be considered.

Solution: Their skin can be made better with high protein, omega 3, and 6 fatty acids in their diet in the winter season. Mild dandruff is simple to treat with Canine anti-dandruff shampoo, but consult your pet doctor in case of severe dryness.

For a detailed solution, you can refer to How to Treat your Beagle’s Dry Skin.

Final Thoughts

If your pet buddy shows any of the symptoms or signs of the above-mentioned dog skin problems, you must take assistance. Visit your nearest animal doctor for professional advice on the symptoms of the issue for your dog.

There can be mild to extreme cases of symptoms, for which the doctors can do a complete examination. They can perform the correct diagnosis and provide the right treatment for making your little friend beagles happy and healthy again.